Zasebno je bila Monroe kljub postopku lo?itve še vedno v zvezi z DiMaggiom, hodila pa je tudi z Marlonom Brandom in dramatikom Arthurjem Millerjem.[87] Zveza s slednjim je po lo?itvi od DiMaggia oktobra 1955 postala resna in tudi Miller se je takrat lo?il., heading again to work that very Monday. She also reportedly was earning designs to present … Read More
The situation seemed so dire that Slate analyzed facts from Rotten Tomatoes in 2011 and determined that Hewitt was the "worst actress" in Hollywood with "the unusual distinction of hardly ever owning made only one 'clean' ... film" (wherein it scores around sixty% beneficial assessments). Hewitt rolled her eyes in the piece and served a scathing re… Read More